Slow-Auto, Inconvenient-Semi

escaping false dichotomy with sanely-automatic derivation

Mateusz Kubuszok

About me


  • what is a type class

  • what is type class derivation

  • automatic and semi-automatic derivation a’la Circe

  • semi-automatic derivation a’la Jsoniter

  • sanely-automatic derivation a’la Chimney

  • does it matter to a library users how these approach differ


Link to examples

Type class

  • interface

  • with type paremeters

  • whose implementation can be automatically provided based on their type only

trait Encoder[A] {
  def apply(a: A): Json // <-- JSON as data
object Encoder {
  given encodeString: Encoder[String] = ...
  given encodeInt: Encoder[Int] = ...
  given encodeDouble: Encoder[Double] = ...
extension [A](value: A) {
  def asJson(using encoder: Encoder[A]): Json = encoder(value)
"value".asJson // using Encoder.encodeString
1024.asJson // using Encoder.encodeInt
3.13.asJson // using Encoder.encodeDouble

What if nobody wrote the implementation explicitly for my type?

case class Address(value: String)
case class User(name: String, address: Address)
Address("Paper St. 19").asJson // ???
User("John Smith", Address("Paper St. 19")).asJson // ???
No given instance of type Encoder[Address] was found for parameter encoder of
method asJson in object ...
No given instance of type Encoder[User] was found for parameter encoder of
method asJson in object ...

Type class derivation

(If you don’t understand this diagram, you probably haven’t spend 600h on a topic that most sane people avoid.)

Derivation a’la Circe

trait Encoder[A] {
  def apply(a: A): Json // <-- JSON as data
extension [A](value: A) {
  def asJson(using encoder: Encoder[A]): Json = encoder(value)
case class Address(value: String)
case class User(name: String, address: Address)
Address("Paper St. 19")
// { "value": "Paper St. 19" }
User("John Smith", Address("Paper St. 19"))
// { "name": "John Smith", "address": { "value": "Paper St. 19" } }
import MagicImportOfSomethingThatCreatesEncoders.given

Address("Paper St. 19").asJson // generates Encoder[Address] on demand
User("John Smith", Address("Paper St. 19")).asJson // ditto but for User
import ImportOfSomethingThatLetsYouCreateEncoders.deriveEncoder

given addressEncoder: Encoder[Address] = deriveEncoder[Address]
given userEncoder: Encoder[User] = deriveEncoder[User]

Address("Paper St. 19").asJson // using addressEncoder
User("John Smith", Address("Paper St. 19")).asJson // using userEncoder

Automatic derivation of Address

implicitly[Encoder[Address]] // <-- using Encoder[Address]
Automatic Derivation of Address

Semi-automatic derivation of Address

deriveEncoder[Address] // <-- creates new Encoder[Address]
Semi-automatic Derivation of Address

Automatic derivation of User

implicitly[Encoder[User]] // <-- using Encoder[User]
Automatic Derivation of User

Semi-automatic derivation of User

deriveEncoder[User] // <-- creates new Encoder[User]
Semi-automatic Derivation of User

OK, but where is the code?

Wouldn’t it be easier to understand with some examples?

1. We are focusing on user-side of the derivation story

3. If you really need the derivation-internals-explanation-experience

3h later
3h later

Why people bother with semi-automatic derivation?

1. They want to make sure that they use the same implementation everywhere

2. "Speed"

// We're use Circe:
// trait Encoder[A] { ... } turns A -> Json
// trait Decoder[A] { ... } turns Json -> Either[Decoder.DecodingError, A]

case class Out(...) // <-- really big case class with nested case classes

// value -> Json -> value again
def roundTrip(out: Out): (Json, Either[Decoder.DecodingError, Out]) = {
  val json = out.asJson // <-- encode as Json using Encoder[Out]
  val parsed =[Out] // <-- decode from Json using  Decoder[Out]
  json -> parsed
// Semi-automatic version will just have this:
implicit val in1Decoder: Decoder[In1] = deriveDecoder
implicit val in1Encoder: Encoder[In1] = deriveEncoder
implicit val in2Decoder: Decoder[In2] = deriveDecoder
implicit val in2Encoder: Encoder[In2] = deriveEncoder
implicit val in3Decoder: Decoder[In3] = deriveDecoder
implicit val in3Encoder: Encoder[In3] = deriveEncoder
implicit val in4Decoder: Decoder[In4] = deriveDecoder
implicit val in4Encoder: Encoder[In4] = deriveEncoder
implicit val in5Decoder: Decoder[In5] = deriveDecoder
implicit val in5Encoder: Encoder[In5] = deriveEncoder
implicit val outDecoder: Decoder[Out] = deriveDecoder
implicit val outEncoder: Encoder[Out] = deriveEncoder
// instead of automatic derivation import.

This shouldn’t be hard on compiler?

Json Compilation Times
(less is better)

Scala 2.13.14

[info] Benchmark                          Mode  Cnt   Score   Error   Units
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericAuto    thrpt  10   7.319 ± 0.011  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericSemi    thrpt  10   6.775 ± 0.013  ops/ms

Scala 3.3.3

[info] Benchmark                            Mode  Cnt   Score   Error   Units
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericAuto     thrpt   10   0.490 ± 0.432  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericSemi     thrpt   10   4.607 ± 0.014  ops/ms
(more is better)

Auto vs Semi on Scala 2

  • PR #5649 - Faster compilation of inductive implicits (closed)

  • PR #6481 - Topic/inductive implicits 2.13.x (closed)

  • PR #6580 - Prune polymorphic implicits more aggressively (merged)

  • PR #7012 - Speed up implicit resolution by avoiding allocations when traversing TypeRefs in core (merged)

  • and more

             1) baseline - scalac 2.13.x  2) scalac 2.13.x with matchesPtInst
 HList Size
  50          4                            3
 100          7                            3
 150         15                            4
 200         28                            4
 250         48                            5
 300         81                            6
 350        126                            8
 400        189                           11
 450        322                           13
 500        405                           16         Compile time in seconds

Could something else improve performance?


  • alternative to Shapeless/Mirrors

  • boasts about:

    • better API

    • better performance

    • better compilation times

    • better error messages when derivation fail

Error messages

Semi-automatic derivation

case class Street(name: Either[String, Nothing]) // <-- should not be able to derive name
case class Address(street: Street)
case class User(name: String, address: Address)
implicit val streetEncoder: Encoder[Street] = deriveEncoder
implicit val addressEncoder: Encoder[Address] = deriveEncoder
implicit val userEncoder: Encoder[User] = deriveEncoder


Shapeless' errors

could not find Lazy implicit value of type DerivedAsObjectEncoder[Street]
   implicit val streetEncoder: Encoder[Street] = deriveEncoder

Mirrors' errors

  implicit val streetEncoder: Encoder[Street] = deriveEncoder
Failed to find an instance of Encoder[Either[String, Nothing]]

Magnolia’s errors

magnolia: could not find Encoder.Typeclass for type Either[String,Nothing]
     in parameter 'name' of product type Street
   implicit val streetEncoder: Encoder[Street] = EncoderSemi.derived

Automatic derivation

case class Street(name: Either[String, Nothing])
case class Address(street: Street)
case class User(name: String, address: Address)



could not find implicit value for parameter encoder: Encoder[User]

Round trip (reminder)

// Out - the outerermost of a deep nested, nasty case class structure
def roundTrip(out: Out): (Json, Result[Out]) = {
  val json = out.asJson // encode
  val parsed =[Out] // decode
  json -> parsed
Json Compilation Times
(less is better)

Scala 2.13.14

[info] Benchmark                          Mode  Cnt   Score   Error   Units
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericAuto    thrpt  10   7.319 ± 0.011  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericSemi    thrpt  10   6.775 ± 0.013  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaAuto   thrpt  10   7.689 ± 0.013  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaSemi   thrpt  10   7.838 ± 0.013  ops/ms

Scala 3.3.3

[info] Benchmark                            Mode  Cnt   Score   Error   Units
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericAuto     thrpt   10   0.490 ± 0.432  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericSemi     thrpt   10   4.607 ± 0.014  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaAuto    thrpt   10   0.077 ± 0.039  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaSemi    thrpt   10   5.590 ± 0.013  ops/ms
(more is better)

Shapeless/Mirrors/Magnolia - different APIs, same approach.

Did anyone try something else?

Jsoniter Scala

  • prioritizes performance

  • no automatic derivation

  • no need to derive intermediate instances


// Yes, only 1 codec, no need to manually derive implicits for nested cases
implicit val outCodec: JsonValueCodec[Out] =

def roundTrip(out: Out): (String, Either[Throwable, Out]) = {
  val str = writeToString(out)
  val parsed = scala.util.Try(readFromString(str)).toEither
  str -> parsed

Recursive semi-automatic derivation

Recursive Macro Derivation

Recursive semi-automatic derivation

  • delegates everything to implicit search

  • types supported OOTB are handled via implicits in companion object

Recursive Macro Derivation
  • use implicit search only for overrides

  • types supported OOTB are handled by macro, implicit scope is empty by default

OK, but what does this gibberish mean for users?

Json Compilation Times
(less is better)

Scala 2.13.14

[info] Benchmark                          Mode  Cnt   Score   Error   Units
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericAuto    thrpt  10   7.319 ± 0.011  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericSemi    thrpt  10   6.775 ± 0.013  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaAuto   thrpt  10   7.689 ± 0.013  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaSemi   thrpt  10   7.838 ± 0.013  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.jsoniterScalaSemi   thrpt  10  20.081 ± 0.151  ops/ms

Scala 3.3.3

[info] Benchmark                            Mode  Cnt   Score   Error   Units
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericAuto     thrpt   10   0.490 ± 0.432  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericSemi     thrpt   10   4.607 ± 0.014  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaAuto    thrpt   10   0.077 ± 0.039  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaSemi    thrpt   10   5.590 ± 0.013  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.jsoniterScalaSemi    thrpt   10  21.480 ± 0.070  ops/ms
(more is better)

But can it be automatic?

Automatic derivation a’la Chimney

Similar problem:

  • derivation should be recursive

  • macro should only use implicits for overrides


  • automatic derivation should be available without breaking the 2 above


trait TypeClass[A] extends TypeClass.AutoDerived[A] { ... }
object TypeClass {

  // semi-automatic derivation of TypeClass[A]
  inline def derived[A]: TypeClass[A] = ${ derivedImpl[A] }

  trait AutoDerived[A] { ... }
  object AutoDerived extends AutoDerivedLowPriorityImplicits
  trait AutoDerivedLowPriorityImplicits {

    // automatic derivation of TypeClass.AutoDerived[A]
    inline given derived[A]: AutoDerived[A] = ${ derivedImpl[A] }
extension [A](value: A)
  // uses TypeClass[A] defined by user manually or with TypeClass.derived,
  // falling back on automatic derivation
  def method(using TypeClass.AutoDerived[A]) = ...
// allowed to try summoning TypeClass[Sth].
// NOT allowed to try summoning TypeClass.AutoDerived[Sth]!
def derivedImpl[A: Type]: Expr[TypeClass[A]] = ...
(Disclaimer: understanding this code is not necessary to understand its implications on the next slides)
(Solutions for New Prioritization of Givens in Scala 3.7 available at the checkout)

Can we test it outside Chimney?


Sanely-automatic derivation

I implemented wrapper around Jsoniter (on Scala 3-only) which works like this:

import jsonitersanely.* // <-- 1 import, like with std automatic derivation

def roundTrip(out: Out): (String, Either[Throwable, Out]) = {
  val str = write(out)
  val parsed = scala.util.Try(read[Out](str)).toEither
  str -> parsed

How does it compare to Circe or normal Jsoniter Scala?

Json Compilation Times
(less is better)

Scala 2.13.14

[info] Benchmark                          Mode  Cnt   Score   Error   Units
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericAuto    thrpt  10   7.319 ± 0.011  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericSemi    thrpt  10   6.775 ± 0.013  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaAuto   thrpt  10   7.689 ± 0.013  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaSemi   thrpt  10   7.838 ± 0.013  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.jsoniterScalaSemi   thrpt  10  20.081 ± 0.151  ops/ms

Scala 3.3.3

[info] Benchmark                            Mode  Cnt   Score   Error   Units
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericAuto     thrpt   10   0.490 ± 0.432  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericSemi     thrpt   10   4.607 ± 0.014  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaAuto    thrpt   10   0.077 ± 0.039  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaSemi    thrpt   10   5.590 ± 0.013  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.jsoniterScalaSemi    thrpt   10  21.480 ± 0.070  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.jsoniterScalaSanely  thrpt   10  21.408 ± 0.070  ops/ms
(more is better)

But Jsoniter parsing String s vs Circe parsing Json might be apples vs oranges.

Can we have some more fair comparison?

More fair comparison

trait FastShowPretty[A] {

  def showPretty(
    value:   A,
    sb:      StringBuilder,
    indent:  String = "  ",
    nesting: Int = 0
  ): StringBuilder

implicit class FastShowPrettyOps[A](private val value: A) {

  def showPretty(indent: String = "  ", nesting: Int = 0)(
    implicit fsp: FastShowPretty[A]
  ): String =
    fsp.showPretty(value, new StringBuilder, indent, nesting).toString()
case class Street(name: String)
case class Address(street: Street)
case class User(name: String, address: Address)

println(User("John", Address(Street("Paper St"))).showPretty())
  name = "John",
  address = Address(
    street = Street(
      name = "Paper St"
  • automatic and semi-automatic derivation using Shapeless (Scala 2)

  • automatic and semi-automatic derivation using Mirror s (Scala 3)

  • automatic and semi-automatic derivation using Magnolia (Scala 2 & 3)

  • sanely-automatic derivation with macros and Chimney macro commons (Scala 2 & 3)

Show Compilation Times
(less is better)

Scala 2.13.14

[info] Benchmark                                Mode  Cnt  Score   Error   Units
[info] ShowOutputs.showGenericProgrammingAuto  thrpt   10  2.651 ± 0.012  ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showGenericProgrammingSemi  thrpt   10  2.829 ± 0.033  ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showMagnoliaAuto            thrpt   10  3.621 ± 0.017  ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showMagnoliaSemi            thrpt   10  3.745 ± 0.028  ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showSanely                  thrpt   10  2.202 ± 0.359  ops/ms

Scala 3.3.3

[info] Benchmark                                Mode  Cnt  Score   Error   Units
[info] ShowOutputs.showGenericProgrammingAuto  thrpt   10  0.156 ± 0.013  ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showGenericProgrammingSemi  thrpt   10  3.492 ± 0.013  ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showMagnoliaAuto            thrpt   10  0.090 ± 0.023  ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showMagnoliaSemi            thrpt   10  3.918 ± 0.012  ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showSanely                  thrpt   10  2.204 ± 0.396  ops/ms
(more is better)

But wait.

Jsoniter had one more trick. It "caches" subroutines as def s.

Would that make a difference?

Show Compilation Times
(less is better)

Scala 2.13.14

[info] Benchmark                                Mode  Cnt  Score   Error   Units
[info] ShowOutputs.showGenericProgrammingAuto  thrpt   10  2.651 ± 0.012  ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showGenericProgrammingSemi  thrpt   10  2.829 ± 0.033  ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showMagnoliaAuto            thrpt   10  3.621 ± 0.017  ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showMagnoliaSemi            thrpt   10  3.745 ± 0.028  ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showSanely                  thrpt   10  4.811 ± 0.026  ops/ms

Scala 3.3.3

[info] Benchmark                                Mode  Cnt  Score   Error   Units
[info] ShowOutputs.showGenericProgrammingAuto  thrpt   10  0.156 ± 0.013  ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showGenericProgrammingSemi  thrpt   10  3.492 ± 0.013  ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showMagnoliaAuto            thrpt   10  0.090 ± 0.023  ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showMagnoliaSemi            thrpt   10  3.918 ± 0.012  ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showSanely                  thrpt   10  4.800 ± 0.042  ops/ms
(more is better)

Bonus: debugging

case class Street(name: Either[String, Nothing]) // <-- this should fail the derivation
case class Address(street: Street)
case class User(name: String, address: Address)

// scalacOptions += "-Xmacro-settings:fastshowpretty.logging=true"
def printObject(out: User): String = out.showPretty()
[error] .../ShowSanely.scala:12:54: Failed to derive showing for value : example.ShowSanely.User:
[error] No build-in support nor implicit for type scala.Nothing
[error]   def printObject(out: User): String = out.showPretty()
[error]                                                      ^
[info] .../ShowSanely.scala:12:54: Logs:
[info]  - Started derivation for value : example.ShowSanely.User
[info]  - Attempting rule ImplicitRule
[info]  - Skipped summoning example.showmacros.FastShowPretty[example.ShowSanely.User]
[info]  - Attempting rule CachedDefRule
[info]  - Attempting rule BuildInRule
[info]  - Attempting rule ProductRule
[info]  - Checking if def for example.ShowSanely.User exists
[info]  - Started deriving def for example.ShowSanely.User
[info]    - Started derivation for string : java.lang.String
[info]    - Attempting rule ImplicitRule
[info]    - Attempting rule CachedDefRule
[info]    - Attempting rule BuildInRule
[info]    - Successfully shown java.lang.String: sb.append("\"").append(string).append("\"")
[info]    - Started derivation for address : example.ShowSanely.Address
[info]    - Attempting rule ImplicitRule
[info]    - Attempting rule CachedDefRule
[info]    - Attempting rule BuildInRule
[info]    - Attempting rule ProductRule
[info]    - Checking if def for example.ShowSanely.Address exists
[info]    - Started deriving def for example.ShowSanely.Address
[info]      - Started derivation for street : example.ShowSanely.Street
[info]      - Attempting rule ImplicitRule
[info]      - Attempting rule CachedDefRule
[info]      - Attempting rule BuildInRule
[info]      - Attempting rule ProductRule
[info]      - Checking if def for example.ShowSanely.Street exists
[info]      - Started deriving def for example.ShowSanely.Street
[info]        - Started derivation for either : scala.util.Either[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing]
[info]        - Attempting rule ImplicitRule
[info]        - Attempting rule CachedDefRule
[info]        - Attempting rule BuildInRule
[info]        - Attempting rule ProductRule
[info]        - Attempting rule SumTypeRule
[info]        - Checking if def for scala.util.Either[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing] exists
[info]        - Started deriving def for scala.util.Either[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing]
[info]          - Started derivation for left : scala.util.Left[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing]
[info]          - Attempting rule ImplicitRule
[info]          - Attempting rule CachedDefRule
[info]          - Attempting rule BuildInRule
[info]          - Attempting rule ProductRule
[info]          - Checking if def for scala.util.Left[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing] exists
[info]          - Started deriving def for scala.util.Left[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing]
[info]            - Started derivation for string : java.lang.String
[info]            - Attempting rule ImplicitRule
[info]            - Attempting rule CachedDefRule
[info]            - Attempting rule BuildInRule
[info]            - Successfully shown java.lang.String: sb.append("\"").append(string).append("\"")
[info]          - Cached result of def for scala.util.Left[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing]
[info]          - Successfully shown scala.util.Left[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing]: show_nothing$u005D(left, nesting)
[info]          - Started derivation for right : scala.util.Right[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing]
[info]          - Attempting rule ImplicitRule
[info]          - Attempting rule CachedDefRule
[info]          - Attempting rule BuildInRule
[info]          - Attempting rule ProductRule
[info]          - Checking if def for scala.util.Right[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing] exists
[info]          - Started deriving def for scala.util.Right[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing]
[info]            - Started derivation for nothing : scala.Nothing
[info]            - Attempting rule ImplicitRule
[info]            - Attempting rule CachedDefRule
[info]            - Attempting rule BuildInRule
[info]          - Cached result of def for scala.util.Right[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing]
[info]        - Cached result of def for scala.util.Either[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing]
[info]      - Cached result of def for example.ShowSanely.Street
[info]    - Cached result of def for example.ShowSanely.Address
[info]  - Cached result of def for example.ShowSanely.User
[info]   def printObject(out: User): String = out.showPretty()
[info]                                                      ^


Thank you!