Mateusz Kubuszok
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Type of energy | Description |
Mechanical | the sum of macroscopic translational and rotational kinetic and potential energies |
Electric | potential energy due to or stored in electric fields |
Magnetic | potential energy due to or stored in magnetic fields |
Gravitational | potential energy due to or stored in gravitational fields |
Chemical | potential energy due to chemical bonds |
Ionization | potential energy that binds an electron to its atom or molecule |
Nuclear | potential energy that binds nucleons to form the atomic nucleus (and nuclear reactions) |
Chromodynamic | potential energy that binds quarks to form hadrons |
Elastic | potential energy due to the deformation of a material (or its container) exhibiting a restorative force |
Mechanical wave | kinetic and potential energy in an elastic material due to a propagated deformational wave |
Sound wave | kinetic and potential energy in a fluid due to a sound propagated wave (a particular form of mechanical wave) |
Radiant | potential energy stored in the fields of propagated by electromagnetic radiation, including light |
Rest | potential energy due to an object’s rest mass |
Thermal | kinetic energy of the microscopic motion of particles, a form of disordered equivalent of mechanical energy |
don’t explain things you try to explain using (even indirectly) things you want to explain
abstraction is derived from specifics - not the other way round
not everyone has a CS background
not everyone has any mathematical background
if we want to teach someone a formal definition, we need to make sure they know the whole foundation they need before - and that takes time to adjust
Something classic - a monad tutorial!
monoid in the category of endofunctors
monad is like taco/burrito/etc
so we have this nice little type class
def readLine: String = ???
def writeLine(line: String): Unit = ???
def curl(url: URL): String = ???
sealed trait SideEffect[A]
final case class ReadLine()
extends SideEffect[String]
final case class WriteLine(line: String)
extends SideEffect[Unit]
final case class Curl(url: URL)
extends SideEffect[String]
sealed trait IO[A] {
def map[B](f: A => B): IO[B] = ???
object IO {
def readLine: IO[String] = ???
def writeLine(line: String): IO[Unit] = ???
def curl(url: URL): IO[String] = ???
final case class Suspend[A](se: SideEffect[A])
extends IO[A]
object IO {
def readLine: IO[String] =
def writeLine(line: String): IO[Unit] =
def curl(url: URL): IO[String] =
sealed trait IO[A] {
def map[B](f: A => B): IO[B] = Map(this, f)
final case class Map[A, B](ioa: IO[A], f: A => B)
extends IO[B]
val writeTest: IO[Unit] = IO.writeLine("test")
// yay!
val getData: IO[String] ="we got: " + _)
// yay!
val echo: IO[IO[Unit]] =
// shit!
val echo: IO[Unit] =
Or do we?
val echo: IO[Unit] = IO.readLine.flatMap(IO.writeLine)
sealed trait IO[A] {
def flatMap[B](f: A => IO[B]): IO[B] = FlatMap(this, f)
final case class FlatMap[A, B](ioa: IO[A], f: A => IO[B])
extends IO[B]
.flatMap { line => IO.writeLine(line) }
.flatMap { _ => IO.writeLine("said Echo") }
.flatMap { _ => /* I want to return 2 here */ ??? }
final case class Pure[A](a: A)
extends IO[A]
object IO {
def pure(a: A): IO[A] = Pure(a)
// ...
val sth: IO[Int] = IO.readLine
.flatMap { line => IO.writeLine(line) }
.flatMap { _ => IO.writeLine("said Echo") }
.flatMap { _ => IO.pure(2) }
sealed trait IO[A] {
def flatMap[B](f: A => IO[B]): IO[B] = FlatMap(this, f)
def map[B](f: A => B): IO[B] = flatMap { a => IO.pure(f(b)) }